Looking to join our club? This page will tell you about the types of membership available.
Types of membership
Coventry Sub Aqua Club supports a variety of types of membership of our club to reflect the diversity of our members. As a large club, we are able to offer a competitive rate of membership in comparison to other local diving clubs.
2024/2025 membership rates
Membership of CSAC | Description | Subscription fee (pro-rata) |
Full | Full members may go on diving trips, receive instruction, hire kit and vote in our committee elections at our club’s AGM. | £90 |
Junior | Junior membership is reserved for divers under the age of eighteen. Junior members enjoy the same rights as full members. | £25 |
Student | Student membership is reserved for divers who are actively engaged in education e.g. university or college studies. Valid identification or other proof will be required before this membership is approved. Student members enjoy the same rights as full members. | £40 |
Joint | Joint membership is available to divers who live in the same household as another active diver who pays standard membership. It is common for couples who dive. Joint members enjoy the same rights as full members. | £40 |
Associate (social) | Associate membership, also known as social membership, is available to those who do not dive but still come along to club engagements. Associate members may not hire diving kit, receive instruction or vote on matters at the club’s AGM. | £40 |
Honorary | Honorary membership is conferred by the committee to longstanding club members who have given much of their time and resources for the benefit of the club and its membership. Honorary members enjoy the same voting rights as full members. | Free |
Guest | Members are welcome to bring guests to club engagements. Guests are welcome to meet our club – perhaps to make inquiries about joining! – but are not permitted to make use of our diving equipment unless they are signed up for a try-dive that night. Guests are also welcome to swim with club members in our usual swimming hour, but a guest who attends a club meeting to swim more than six times will be asked to become an associate member. | Free |
All subscriptions are due on April 1st each year. Subscriptions are paid at a pro-rata rate.
Joining our club
To join our club, please pay us a visit on one of our regular club nights and speak with our Treasurer or our Membership Secretary. We are happy for you to visit us to make inquiries; if you are thinking of giving diving a go for the first time, why not sign up for a try-dive for only £20?
We would advise anyone looking to speak to us about joining the club to write to us ahead of your visit. Our committee is happy to answer questions about joining the club in writing. Ahead of a visit in person, not only will it be best to know that the person you need to speak to will be with us that night, but we may have to arrange for someone to let you into the building!
Joining BSAC
If you are an active diver, or you are contributing to the diving affairs of our club (e.g. you are on our committee, you are a diving theory instructor, you operate our compressor etc.), you must also be a member of the British Sub Aqua Club. Find out about membership options here and prices here.
Coventry members may vote on matters at our club’s AGM provided they are also members of BSAC.
Read about the benefits of BSAC membership here.